Wednesday, 15 July 2015

burning bush

There are a lot of forest fires in our area, they are not uncommon but this year as dry as it is there are more than usual. The smoke is sometimes very heavy, we hear of forest fires often in the news but not until it comes close to you do you ever pay much attention to the fires, it is a bit of news and that's that. My daughter from Minnesota called and said to keep our smoke up there in Northern Alberta where it belongs.
      In Exodus 3 God appears to Moses in a burning bush, it wasn't until God saw that Moses turned aside to see , that God spoke to Moses. I ask myself , how often does God appear to me and I treat it like a bit of news and go on my way? Mayby I will mention it to my wife when I get home and that will be a 5 minute conversation and on with my life.
     In verse 3 Moses said, " I will now turn aside and see". There are many things that come to mind, I wont mention but a few,      "I"  often I say, some should, that someone is me, If God appears to me than it is me He is calling my attention to.  The other thing is   "Now" I will now turn aside. I often push it off talk to other people, pray, and  think about it for a while.  We need to act now not later, in Mathew 8;21&22 a disciple said," let me first" Jesus let him know there is no first except Him.
The last thing for now is "see" ask God to open your eyes to see what He wants you to see. If I had my way the only thing I would look at is big trucks and big machinery I love equipment. I need to stop, turn aside and ask God to show me .

                          He took the fall so I can stand, let us all stand for Jesus.

God bless each of you as you turn aside and seek His path.  Check out Jer. 6:16.

Love you.
