Well, I didnt really forget to post a blog in January, its just that the time goes by very fast that the next month just comes along. I dont have a computer at home so its only here at the radio station that I am on my computer. I am also quite clumsy at the keyboard, I did very well in High School typing, the electric typwriters were just coming in, if you made a mistake all you had to do was put in a little paperlike thing and retype the same letter and it would take it off.
Praise the Lord things have changed, Praise the Lord the word of God never changes, Praise the Lord the word of God changes us into a better person. I am very happy that I am have changed from when I first believed, It is growth,all living things need to keep growing. This is important to keep in mind as we relate to others, I have to realize others are not at the same place spiritually as I am some are more mature others are newly born, it is not for me to judge, I am to encourage , I am to be a channel of Gods love and kindness to flow through to those around me no matter who they are.
Since it is almost valentines day, happy Valentines Day to you all and remember that Gods love to you is far greater than we can imagine. This is a good time to remember who your spouse is, who your children are, who your parents are, and who your friends are. They are very precious gifts from God, celebrate them. Husbands, you are the leader of the home, celebrate your wife, dont evaluate her, there should be no requirements that you have for your wife. It is nice if she does all the things you might want her to do, but they should never be requirements for your love. Ask yourself what requirements did Jesus christ have for you . It is very easy for us men to evaluate our wives and children. What they need is unconditional love,they have infinite value, they are a treasured gift from God.
Col. 3:18-21
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands
as it is fit for the Lord.
Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against
Children,obey your parents in all things, for this is
well pleasing unto the Lord.
Fathers, provoke no your children to anger lest they
be discouraged.
May God richly bless you. Love Mark