I often dont know what to say about a person ,with my mother I can say she was a very Godly woman. She was very dedicated to her , first of all Lord, then her husband and family of 15 children. She was commited to loving and serving her family. My early memories of her was that she was a woman with humor, she could always make us laugh, even when she was punishing us.
She always thought of others, in our older years we would often come home with someone we picked up on the highway or some temporarily homeless person. There was always room at the table and she would almost always present them with a practical gift for them. She always kept an assortment of things for all ages and seasons.
When I read prov. 31 I think of her, she worked hard providing for her family, we were, I dont like to say poor, lets say we had very limited money. We all pitched in to help with the work, she canned fruits and vegetables,several hundred jars. We had a big garden and she spent a lot of time there. In the winter she would often be at her sewing machine mending or making christmas gifts.
She would often quote little phrases that were fitting for the circumstances. " What one must do without no use making a fuss about". "A friend drew a circle and left me out, Love and I with a whit to win drew a bigger circle and took them in". Many more.
Her house was clean, but not a castle,It was always a welcome place for children and guests, even if the guests were off the highway hitchhikers. Her house was not full of stuff, it was full of love.
Prov. 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed, her husband also
and he praiseth her.